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RYA Club Affiliation
Number: 008110946

Doesn’t time fly? I’d meant to send this newsletter two weeks ago, but Carol’s Mum suffering a stroke put a spanner in the works – I’m glad to say she’s making good progress in what will probably be a long haul.


As a result the October mailing will drop through your letterboxes imminently (ish). I hope you will see a slightly new format with A5 window envelopes allowing us to show what contact details we have on record. This gives you the opportunity to correct our data with that all-important email address for those who we are not reaching with these newsletters. Please keep us updated – it makes our lives much easier.


I can scoop the mailing with advance information of our three cruises. First, Carol (the current wife) is organising the Easter cruise. At Easter, so holiday organising should be easier. We are going from Armadale, with the aim (as always, weather permitting), of reaching the Outer Hebrides. For those worried by East Coast mud (see later), the water is gin clear, and for those concerned by Aeolian sun and wind burn, we can promise gentle dawns, and zephyrs of breeze occasionally dewdropped with moisture. So book up!


Second to go is David Newman’s long promised Aeolian cruise – Sun, Sea, Sand and Volcanoes! A Whitsun Mediterranean melting pot of sensations, and a new area for us. Maybe not one for young families – 30 mile passages and gusty winds are possible, but great sailing, scenery and a good mix of boats. Ideal to shake out the winter blues and feel some real sun before it gets too scorching! Fill in David’s form from the mailing for this one – it’s sure to book up fast.


Finally, Quentin Hayes’ ‘Magic Of The Swatchways’ – again, a new cruising ground on the East Coast with Secret Water, the River Deben, Woodbridge, and plenty of soft shallow mudbanks to bounce off! Aimed as a family alternative to the Norfolk Broads, this cruise will suit all ages over 8 and explore a completely different type of shoreline to those hard Hebridean rocks. Timed at the end of August, sun and happiness are personally guaranteed by the organizer.


The AGM will soon be with us on the 10th of January. Do come, and don’t forget the Ceilidh afterwards. We have nominations for the Golden Gaffe, and the Dodo award, and announcements on Committee changes. Speaking of which, we are looking for nominations for two new Committee members. While we have some ideas, I won’t approach them for a while to give the opportunity to any of our members this to consider nomination of themselves or another person. Don’t be shy – come forward, and phone or Email me (details of home number is on the forthcoming mailing, Easter Cruise details). The Club relies on the membership to come forwards and have their say, and being on the Committee puts you in the forefront. In a couple of weeks, I will consult the Committee, and approach likely lads and/or laddettes for the ‘honour’. If you like the idea, call me!


Also, a plea for all our photographers – last year I put a slide show up on the screen. This year we’d like to include shots of all this year’s cruises – and any classy pictures from previous years! Send me a CD of the photos – they have to be digital – or, if the file size permits, email them to me. I’ll make up a disc, and we’ll all be able to enjoy them.


Finally, the Committee has discussed ways of finding out what the club membership want of us. While this may simply be not to change, there is the possibility of using an electronic tool called ‘Survey Monkey’ to get the answers to posed questions. Items to be considered could be thoughts on training, future cruises, our progress to electronic communications, and the possibility of abandoning ‘snail mail’ in favour of an electronic annual mailing. Don’t worry – personally I think we should keep the option of paper for those who do not like computers or have difficulty accessing or using them.


I look forward to seeing you all at the AGM, or hearing from you if you have any ideas, photos, or nominations. Look out for the mailing.

Happy Christmas!!



Jonathan Pearce