Cruises 2017
Saturday 15th April to Saturday 22nd April 2017
‘A voyage of discovery to the Islets of Langerhans’
Hoots Mon! We’re awa` tae the Isles. It’s time to polish your haggis and get your thermal sporran out!
The Easter cruise this year is planned for - Easter! So Highland egg hunts and Easter Bunnies are back. We are returning to old stomping grounds, chartering from Isle Of Skye Yachts at Armadale having booked the Bavaria 36 (Finn), the Jeanneau SO 379 (Voyager), and the Jeanneau SO 36i (Janet MacArthur), with an option on the Jeanneau SO 42i (Ab Fab) if applications warrant it. There will be 6 berths on each boat. Cruise fees are proposed at £380, (including on-board food), £100 of which is payable as a non-returnable deposit once your booking is accepted, with the balance of £280 payable promptly by 28/2/2017. If full payment is made by the AGM (14th January 2017) the cruise fee will be reduced to £370.
What can we say about Easter cruising in Scotland? Thoughts like ‘Foundation stones of the club, creation of men from buoys (sic), something similar for women that isn’t sexist, fantastic scenery, weather, sea eagles, stags and seals, more weather, the best cruising grounds north of Watford Gap, and Whisky’ all come to mind. And more weather.
This is real ‘take it as you find it’ sailing with the weather varying from Mediterranean to Arctic, and winds ranging from absent to rather more, but there are always sheltered deserted anchorages and adventurous and exploratory destinations when conditions allow. We start at Armadale on the afternoon of Saturday 15th April, returning a week later. What more can we say about the planned itinerary? Our stated purpose is to discover The Islets of Langerhans, though these wee beasties have proved rather secretive. Whilst many have searched, few have found them and then only on the autopsy table. Though if we fail to land on the fabled Islets we might hope to take in some of the following: the swirls of Kyle Rhea, the avian life of the Shiants, the mystique of the Outer Hebrides, the magic of Wizard Pool, the hidden whisky bottles of Eriskay, the potency of Rum, the white bits of Eigg, the cleanliness of Muck, and leave out the negativity of Canna (groan). Jonty’s fantasy is to sail out through the Sound of Harris and return through the Sound of Barra (at Easter?!), but the route depends on the Weather Gods and the whimsicality of the Commodore Afloat, so who knows?
27th May – 10th June 2017
This cruise is about exploring Shetland and Fair Isle. It will start in Lerwick in Shetland and end in Kirkwall in Orkney and may include visits to some of the Northern Isles of Orkney. However, our plans will depend upon the sea and weather conditions which we encounter at the time. The charter period is a time of year when we can hope for reasonable conditions and when we can enjoy the long days approaching the ‘simmer dim’.
We have chartered the following yachts:
• from Shetland Yachting ( a Bavaria 37 with 8 berths, comfortable for 6 crew
• from Sail Orkney ( an Elan 434 with 10 berths, comfortable for 8 crew
Both yachts have slab reefing of the mainsail and a furling genoa (no self-tacking jibs). We plan to occupy the 14 comfortable berths and accordingly offer 28 berth-weeks for the two week charter. SY and SO have no other yachts to offer for charter.
2nd - 16th September 2017
For those of us wimps who feel the cold - instead of turning right at Land’s End for the frozen wastes of the Scottish Highlands and Islands - join me in turning left and enjoy the (much) warmer waters of the Adriatic next summer! Not that I’m advocating a cruise along the south coast and across the Bay of Biscay - let’s fly that bit . . .
We have chartered three yachts from Nautilus Yachting - two Bavarias - a 37 and a 39 - with a 3rd yacht - a Sun Odyssey 42.2. The yachts are based at Trogir Marina - only a 20 minute taxi ride away from Split airport.
The yachts will be ready by 15:00 hrs on the Saturday (2nd) and we have to have them back by Friday night on 15th September to disembark by 09:00 on the Saturday (16th) - flights by Jet2 and EasyJet serve Split airport from the UK.
After a lot of to’ing and fro’ing, we have arrived at a fee of £480 per berth week - but if you book for both weeks - £950 to you! This is excluding food and travel to and from Trogir. We will be filling the boats sensibly full - 6 berths – but we may be able to squeeze in an extra 1 or 2 on the bigger yacht. Indeed, there is the possibility of a 4th yacht if enough interest is shown!
The (very flexible) plan is to sail South towards Dubrovnik - that’s 110 nautical miles away! (Islands of Brac Hvar Vis and Korcula all feature nearby - our more likely cruising area) for the first week, returning to Trogir for any possible crew changeovers, then off up North to explore the islands of the Kornati National Park.
Early September in Croatia is a very pleasant 25 degrees with the clear blue waters also nudging 25 - 30 degrees - so bring your swimmers!! Generally regarded as a good month for weather, with some of the best marinas in the Adriatic and innumerable little harbours and anchorages for Penguins to do what they do so well – pootle and explore.