The James Raby
Photographic Competition
To commemorate James and his passions for photography and sailing, the club runs an annual photography competition.
The competition is open to anyone who sails on one of the club cruises and the photograph must be taken on one of the club cruises in the current year.
There are no restrictions on the subject of the photograph; it can be a scenic landscape, sailing action, crew groups, etc.
The competition will be judged by the committee members and the winner announced at the AGM, with a prize for the winner! It is intended that all entries will also be shown as a slide show at the AGM.
Terms & Conditions
Entries are to be emailed to a dedicated email - to be advised!
Photos to be .jpg format and suitable to print at A4 size.
Please restrict your number of entries to no more than 3 (three)
Photographs must be taken on a Penguin Cruising Club cruise in the current year (season just ended).
Closing date 1st December 2024
The club reserves the right to use all entry photographs for its own use, in promotional material (printed and website etc.), or commercially (merchandise products, etc.) The copyright of the owner will be shown if requested.
If a submitted photograph features crew it is the responsibility of the entrant to ensure they have the permission of crew shown to submit the photograph; if the subject of a photograph includes minors then permission of their parents or guardians must be granted.
The winner of the competition will be announced at the AGM following the closure date.
The decision of the committee is final.
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